April 27, 2010

Printing: Yesterday & Today

Posted in Printing: Yesterday & Today at 4:26 pm by alohaprintandcopy

Copy Machines aren’t antiques yet. Don’t look down on the lowly copy machine. Creating type by hand didn’t give way to typesetting machines such as the Linotype until the late 1880’s. Prior to the1960’s to get a large number of copies of a document required that you have it commercially printed — or use lots of carbon paper (you do remember carbon paper, right?) when first creating the document. Then came Chester Carlson and the birth of xerography. Xerox™ became synonymous with photocopies, making it faster, easier, and more economical than ever to make duplicates of any type of document. Photo-mechanical composition and laser technology advances in printing came rapidly, but not until the late 20th century.

April 16, 2010

Referrals – The Ultimate Tool

Posted in Relationship Marketing tagged , , , , , , , , , at 10:52 am by alohaprintandcopy

Everyone knows that referrals are the best form of marketing for prospective clients. You will do business with far more referred prospects than any other kind. Any referral has high expectations with it. It’s both the referring party and your reputation on display. It sets the bar on how you act, say or do.

While there are different types of referrals. customer referrals may be the best type of referral because they can speak of their own experiences. Other types of referrals can come from many other sources such as employees, friends, neighbors, vendors, business partners and even competitors. Written testimonials can be a great referral marketing tool.

There are things you can do to stimulate referrals. Yet, most people rely on the “prayer” method: they just hope someone will refer them. You can do better by following any one of the following ideas:

• Join a leads or networking group. One way to get referrals is to find a group of people who have an interest in your success. The basic rules of leads groups is that everyone has to bring a lead for the others in the group to each meeting. To avoid conflict of interest, only one person in each type of business/industry can join. Beware, if you don’t bring leads consistently or miss several meetings, the group will make room for someone more productive.

• Ask friends, clients or people you meet either socially or through business for referrals. While they may not necessarily need your services or product, they may know someone who does. Be sure to give them business cards and/or brochures to give out.

• Testimonies are King!!! Once again a client compliments you on a great job you’ve done for them. Rather than just leaving it with a thank you, ask you client if they would be willing to write a testimony for you. This great piece of marketing can be placed anywhere: brochures, websites, direct marketing, etc. Surveys show many purchases are made based on a written testimony.

• Send membership club or frequent buyer members a thank you letter for their continued business. Include a complementary onetime use club card and application so the club member can pass it on to a friend. This approach makes it easy for people to pass on information and receive a freebie.

• Referral bribes work! Offer customers a free item or discounted service if they refer someone. Send a gift certificate for a free introductory offer to your current customers to pass out to friends.

Always remember, whenever the outcome of a referral is successful, it is important to send a thank you and/or a gift to your client for referring a new client. They are more than likely to send more referrals your way.

Aloha Print and Copy ALWAYS appreciates referrals. If you or someone you know may benefit from our products and services, please let us know by calling (770) 642-1642 or email us at alohaprintcopy@juno.com

April 6, 2010

Easy Marketing Communication

Posted in Marketing Tips tagged , , , , , , , , , , at 10:08 am by alohaprintandcopy

Everyday thousands of business people scan the internet looking for that “divine” business inspiration to help grow their company. Bet you’re one of them. It’s always hard to find simple marketing ideas that do not impact your budget but still gets your name out. Aloha Print and Copy can help you get ahead of the game by trying one of the following easy marketing ideas:

• Create a personal nametag with your company name and logo on it. Wear it at high visibility meetings or any business function. Visit Aloha to see the many colors to choose from.

• Referrals! Referrals! Referrals! The best referrals are a testimony to your service and products. Be sure to give clients and prospects two (or more) business cards and brochures – one to keep and the remaining to pass along. Be sure to reciprocate.

• Print a “teaser” and/or a one sentence description of your business or a product on letterhead, fax coversheets and invoices. Be sure to change it out weekly or monthly to keep the idea fresh.

• Create a signature file (or more than one) to be used with your email messages. You can use the space for marketing your products, services or specials.

• Send a birthday or anniversary card on your clients special days. Send a congratulations card for events relative to them such as promotions. Or send them a notecard letting them know you are “thinking of them.” Be sure to include information of a product or service you think may benefit their business. Acknowledgement goes a long way.

• Your the expert! Become a speaker at seminars or business functions. Not only can you get business from it, you can gather business referrals and opportunities to speak at other functions.

• Include a postage-paid survey card with your brochures or other company literature.Be sure to ‘reward’ those who respond. It shows that you appreciate their taking the time to do it.

• If you’ve used the same stationery design for more than 10 years – change it! Your clients will take notice and see a fresh, new you. Aloha can help you create a dynamic design that enhances your image.

• Create an e-Newsletter. Though it will save you money on printing and postage, be sure to print enough for the clients who request it to be mailed plus use it as a great networking tool. Take note – don’t forget to tell your reader how they can “unsubscribe” to your e-News.

• Get free exposure. Create a media kit with information about you and your company. Send it out to all the media outlets. Newspapers and magazines are always looking for human and business interest stories. Promote your company even further and be sure to let the world know when you receive an award, promotion or new certification.

Let us know if you have a easy marketing idea you’d like to share.

For more information about Aloha Print and Copy’s print, copy, design, bind and mail fulfillment services and product information, please call us at (770) 642-1642. Receive 10% off (up to $50.00 maximum discount) your next job when you mention this blog post. (Good for 30 days after posting date. Restrictions apply.)